Susana Guerrero Núñez

Málaga Head of wardrobe with extensive experience in the sector, forged after numerous projects of all kinds, both cinematographic and show business. Movies: “King of Ice”, “Maniac Tales”, “Bernarda”, “La vida de Chipen”, “Nirvana”, “El Juego del Escondite”, “Broken Poet”, “Aliento”, “Guiadvisor” “Paraíso en Llamas”, “Galerna”  Series: “Genius”, “Malaka” Advertising: “Cerveza San Miguel”, “Cadena Westing […]

Sergio Hernández

See IMDb Málaga One of the art directors with the longest professional career. With more than 30 years of experience in numerous countries (Spain, the United States, Italy, Argentina, Mexico, Finland and Japan, among others), Sergio has worked on large projects, always ensuring from his department the higher quality and knowing how to take advantage […]

Inma Diéguez Urbano

See Reel Granada and Málaga Audiovisual Production Technician with extensive knowledge about organization and production of audiovisual projects. Extensive experience in film shoots, including in the following departments: production, direction and art. Movies: “Monstruos”, “Solo una noche”, “Cuento de Ebriedad”. Music videos: “The Reason” Others: Various photoshoots and fashion films.